Monday, 18 February 2013

Wildlife photos: How to take the best shots

Even though the latest digital cameras can take dozens of photographs within a matter of seconds, and reveal instant results, it is still not as easy as you might think to snap a winn
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition - run by the Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide - receives thousands of entries. With the 2013 entry deadline approaching, what could you do to make your images stand out?  - to get some expert tips.
Just follow the link

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy valentine’s day everyone LOVE!! You all

                                          Photo By Topshots

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

'Every new car' connected to web by 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being invested in what is seen as the next digital playground - the car.

Tesco trials new on-demand film and TV service

Supermarket giant Tesco is trialling a new TV and film streaming service called Clubcard TV.

The free on-demand service will allow the supermarket's 15 million loyalty card holders to access TV shows and films like Black Beauty or Champion the wonder horse online.

Vertu chooses Android for luxury handset

Luxury smartphone maker Vertu has launched its first Android-operated handset.
The Vertu Ti costs 7,900 euros (£6,994) and is made at the firm's headquarters in Church Crookham, Hampshire.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Guns in America: was Sandy Hook a tipping point?

In the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre most of us in the media -and a large portion of the American population – had assumed that the killing of 20 innocent young children and their teachers in the run-up to Christmas would provide the emotional tipping point for new legislation on gun control.

Sunday, 10 February 2013


A little bit of detail can be so evocative of the mood of any celebration. This is true with weddings and nothing says celebration like Champagne, sometimes the details can say everything. I’ve heard it said that the devil is in the detail however at weddings the memory’s excitement and the love is there. The time, the thought, the planning, all too make certain everything go’s to plan. The cake, the flowers, the rings, the list go’s on and on. Understanding this is the detail in a wedding shoot, it requires the photographer too see how all these things small as they maybe have meaning to all the friends and family. How each small thing planned and executed represents the love and commitment they feel to the bride and groom to make this a special day, to unite two families.      
Photo By Topshots

Saturday, 9 February 2013


By Edward Kimber
Equipment and preparation: For this recipe you will need a 15cm/6in, 23cm/9in and 30cm/12in round cake tin, thin cake boards of respective sizes, and 20cm/8in, 28cm/11in, 35cm/14in thick cake boards. You will also need eight dowelling rods, eight cake pillars and different sized sugar flower cutters. All of these are available from specialist cake shops.

Follow the link for this traditional wedding cake recipe

Friday, 8 February 2013

WEDDING FAYRE Pudsey Civic Hall

Pudsey Civic Hall
April 21st 2013
After all its your special day and it has to be just right.
Doors Open at 11am 4.00pm
Free Admission
Free Parking

Thursday, 7 February 2013

BRIDAL Exhibition Harrogate

Harrogate International Centre
Kings Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5LA
Sunday to Monday: Opens 9.30am – Closes 6.00pm
Tuesday: Opens 9.30am – Closes 4.00pm
10th to 12th march 2013

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Photo By Topshots
If your a new model with no experience it can be very confusing, one of the most common questions I get asked is, how do I get started ?

Well it seems you need to get something that’s called a portfolio, every one seems to know it’s name, and lots of people phone me looking for one, BUT (and it’s a big one, specially in these jeans) they don’t seem to know what it is. I get asked, do I do portfolios? I say yes, they say how much will it cost? Well that’s the elephant in the room, I don’t know, because although I have started lots of portfolios hopefully I never finished one.
Let me explain, a portfolio is simply a record of the work you have done.
So ask a photographer can you do a shoot for my portfolio, if he or she says yes you ask can I see your work, if he or she says yes ask if he can introduced you to other photographers, if he or she says yes then arrange a time and place to see it, this will probably be at their studio, but not always. I like to meet in the pub I like the relaxed atmosphere plus there are always lots of people there. This can be very useful when meeting a model if they don’t have a friend to come with them NEVER go to a place you don’t know to meet someone you don’t know, if there’s no one there and no one with you (this will only end in tears) this is why I like the pub, not because I’m a bear soaked alcoholic. If all this go’s well and you like both them and there work' then and only then you can ask how much will it cost? Although by then it probably won’t matter if he or she is the right photographer for you.
Photo By Topshots

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sea Urchins to absorb CO2

Researchers say that the natural ability of sea urchins to absorb CO2 could be a model for an effective carbon capture and storage system.

What will they think of next click on the Link to find out more

Monday, 4 February 2013

Richard III DNA confirms bones are king's

A skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III.

Experts from the University of Leicester said DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the monarch's family.

Lead archaeologist Richard Buckley, from the University of Leicester, told a press conference to applause: "Beyond reasonable doubt it's Richard."

Richard, killed in battle in 1485, will be reinterred in Leicester Cathedral.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Fantastic Hen Hight

Photo by Topshots

What a fantastic way to start a hen night! When Rebecca decided to have fancy dress at her hen night with a burlesque and pin-up theme, she thought it would be fun to have the girls photographed in their outfits. Pin-up party’s are always fun and this was no exception, there’s nothing like a couple of bottles wine to get any party started. So it’s late afternoon and the girls turn up in the costume their going out in that night. Quick chat about the photos and off we go, individual photos first then the group shots, job done. Off they go to the restaurant for 7.30pm then a night club later leaving me to work on the photos, they each got a print as a reminder of the night which I’d promised to deliver in a few days. It seems to be the latest thing go to a photo studio and have some photos done, it works very well for hen nights birthdays or even just to start a night out. The studio makes a good place for every one to meet and then to go on to the other things that have been planed. Now the photo shoot it’s self as started to become the party. Why wait for a special occasion like an hen night when you and your mates can spend an evening at the photographers, with a couple of bottles of wine from the supermarket and sharing the cost of the shoot can make for a cheep night out. The best thing is that you have something more than just a fat head to show for it, which has got to de a good thing. to contact Topshots click on the

Friday, 1 February 2013

Traces of Pork DNA found in Halal prison meet

The Ministry of Justice is to suspend a firm supplying meat to prisons after tests found that it may have provided pies and pasties described as Halal - but with traces of pork DNA.


Go to the Peugeot web site and see the RCZ Coupe click the explore drop down box to see the video  and find out more.!explore